

제7회 세계 중의종양학회(후기)

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회 3,337회 작성일 2019-08-26 12:22


■제7회 세계 중의종양학회(후기)
The 7th academic Annual conference of Specialty Committee of Oncology of WFCMS
●일시: 2019.08.03(토) 08:30-17:30
●장소: 중국 하얼빈 palace hotel 4층 대강당

중의종양학회의 초청으로 중의종양학의 최신 지견과 임상경험을 경험하고자 (사) 대한통합암학회와 대한암한의학회 임원, 회원들과 함께 세계중의종양학회에 참석하고 돌아왔습니다.

통합의학의 한 구성원으로서 종양학에 있어 현대한의학의 접근과 전통한의학을 "온고이지신"하여 연구하고 있는 여러 중국 학자분들의 모습에 깊은 인상을 받고 돌아오게 되었습니다.

다만, 근거중심의 논문과 중성약 개발의 발전과 함께
증치의학 중심의 팔강변증이 암치료에 적용되고 가이드화 되어 있었는데,
개별생리 중심의 변증이 결여된 것이 아쉬웠고
이 부분에 "통합방제한의학회(상태의학)"가 보완하는 역할을 할 수 있을 것이라 생각되었습니다.

●Gusest speaker lecturing (09:00-12:00)

1.The role of traditional Chinese medicine in the whole process management of breast cancer
(Yin Dongfeng : Affiliated hospital of liaoning university of TCM)
2.A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial Evaluating Changes in Peripheral Neuropathy and Quality of Life by using Low-Frequency Electrostimulation on Breast Cancer Patinents treated with chemotherapy
(Hwaseung Yoo : Daejeon university, Korea)
3.Exploration of the advantages of integrated Chinese and western medicine in the treatment of pancreatic cancer.
(Xu Wei : The firtst affiliated hospital of Harbin medical university)
4.Recurrence of ovarian cancer with integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine.
(Li Ping : The first affiliated hospital of Anhui medical university)
5.Study of the predominance location and mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine in tumor treatment.
(Li Jie : Guang’anmen Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences)

●Academic communication (14:00-16:00)
6.The exploration for a conscious cure of cancer
(Tian Jianhui : Longhua hospital affiliated to Shanghai university of TCM)
7.Clinical Experience of Tumor Treatment by Classical Prescription
(Zhang Enxin : The first affiliated hospital of guangzhou university of TCM)
8.Accurate treatment of prostate cacner based on real world research
(Li Xiaojiang : First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of TCM)
9.Isolation and purification of extracts from centipede and experimental study on anti-liver cancer
(Tian Xuefei : Human university of traditional Chinese medicine)


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